Become a Campfire Guitar Superstar with Easy, Fun Songs for Beginners

Join our free community and get instant access to The Ultimate Four Chord Songbook. Learn to play your first 10 songs in just 10 months—step by step.

Ready to start playing guitar and lead sing-alongs around the campfire? Join the Campfire Guitar Superstars community (it's free!) and get instant access to The Ultimate Four Chord Songbook—your step-by-step guide to playing your first 10 songs in just 10 months.

What You'll Learn

Our course is designed for adult beginners who want to play songs for fun, whether at the beach, park, or by the campfire. Each song in the Ultimate Four Chord Songbook has four chords or less, making it easy for anyone to get started. You’ll learn how to 'Chunk it down, Play it slow, and Repetitions'— my proven step-by-step framework for quickly learning songs.

Stay on Track with Strum & Support

Every week, join our 'Strum & Support' calls, where you can ask questions, get feedback, and connect with other members. It's like having a personal guitar coach in your pocket—ready to help you overcome any challenges and keep you moving forward.

Easy Campfire Guitar Songs For Beginners

Start Your Journey as a Campfire Guitarist with The Ultimate Four Chord Songbook!

Adult beginner guitar lessons on the Gold Coast free beginner songbook
  • Instant access to a FREE Monthly Video Song Course (includes 10 songs)

  • Connect with fellow learners in a private online community

  • Learn hit songs by The Beatles, Tom Petty, Paul Kelly, and more

  • Get help with the songs and your playing with weekly Strum & Support calls

  • Zero Stress Learning: Join our private group and unlock tools to become a confident campfire guitarist

What Our Members Are Saying...

Gary K Jnr.

"Have pretty much got a handle on the stand by me chord progression and strumming pattern . Have started the brown eyed girl lessons and it's going well. Have been practicing usually 15 min or more everyday and enjoying every minute. Would love to come check out the adult classes you offer but I'm in Pennsylvania USA. Lol. Keep doing what your doing! "

Tim Backhaus

"The easy change chords have literally changed my life! Thank you so much for sharing these.'

Ready to Become a Campfire Guitar Superstar?

Got Questions? We've Got Answers

How long does it take to learn guitar?

Learning guitar is a lifelong pursuit. There is no quick fix as your hands need time to develop dexterity and suppleness to change chords etc. As a complete beginner, think of your first 6-12 months as the 'suck' stage. And then it gets easier after that, and you'll experience more and more breakthroughs.

How long before my fingertips get callouses?

This will depend on your skin type. I've had students that have taken up to 3 months to form callouses on their fingertips. Others in under a month and one very rare example of developing within a weekend! The more you play each day they will form.

What if I practice every day and still don't see improvement?

Learning how to play guitar can be challenging. As you go throughout the course you will find some things come easy for you and at other times, it can feel like no matter what you do, you can't seem to get a breakthrough. The reason this community was created was to give you all the on-going support you need. The weekly 'Strum and Support' calls are there for you to get your questions answered and together we can break through those problem areas. Learning the guitar can often feel lonely when it's just you sitting in your room going through material - the calls, together with the song video instructions so you know exactly what to do.

Why a community and not just a course like other online guitar teachers?

Great question. Nowadays information is everywhere to learn anything. Guitar is no exception. The huge deficit I see with online guitar learning courses is the fact they don't have access to the instructor. Sure you get the videos, but the instructor cannot see what you are doing. You can't ask questions. The Campfire Guitar Superstars community solves that. On the weekly online video calls I can see your technique and offer advice and suggestion oh how to improve it - quite often it's only one small tweak that is needed to help you play better guitar.

How long should I practice guitar for every day?

This will entirely dependent on your current lifestyle, responsibilities and commitments. The key to improvement is consistency. You don't have to practice for hours to get better. Everyday though, is best. Even a minimum of 5-10 minutes a day done consistently over time will get you playing good guitar. Now if all you can manage most days is a minimum of 5 minutes - do that! And then any day that you practice and you get to sit down for 10, 15, 30 minutes is a bonus. Just keep the 5 minutes a day going, no matter what and things will start to click.

Don’t Miss Out—Join the Campfire Guitar Superstars Today!

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+61 448 620 966

1 Greenbank Circuit, Carrara QLD 4211